Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is purified ice?
A: Purified ice is ice made from water processed in the very same way that purified bottled water is produced. It is a very special ice that perks up the flavor of drinking water and chilled beverages and makes you actually experience the purity of your drink by giving it a clean, crisp taste.
Q: How is Pure Ice different from other tube ice sold at local stores?
A: Purified ice must not only taste good but should also look good. During the production process, special care is rendered to separate the perfect tube ice from the chipped and sub-standard formed ones. This is to ensure that each ice tube will be perfect. A special filtration and purifying process called reverse osmosis is employed to purify the water used to produce Pure Ice. There are other recognized methods of water purification but are not necessarily the best for purified drinking water or for purified ice. Pure Ice, from filtration to automated production, bagging, handling and trucking is untouched by human hands, rendering it contaminant-free.
Q: Why reverse osmosis?
A: Filtration alone cannot produce what reverse osmosis produces. Filtration is only the first step to purify water used for ice production. The eight-step reverse osmosis system produces the purified water. Everything that can affect taste and clarity in tap or filtered water is removed by reverse osmosis. This is the process that makes the difference.
Q: What is the difference between ice made from distilled water and ice made from purified water?
A: When properly processed, distillation can produce purified water. But distilled water may not be the tastiest water. Purification by distillation can have variable results as distillation requires heat which may flatten the taste of water. Thereby, distillation may need to be combined with reverse osmosis water to improve the finished water’s taste. Reverse osmosis water tastes crisp and clean without the addition of anything. With these in consideration, ice made from purified water is tastier than ice made from distilled water.

Q: Can ice made from filtered water be called purified ice?
A: No, although there are some ice producers who use the words “pure” and “purified” on their packaging while only undergoing basic filtration processes in producing water for their ice products. Technically speaking, only purified water can be called pure water and only purified ice can be called Pure Ice. Remember, packaged ice is a food! As careful as we are in assuring the safety of our food, we should practice the same care in choosing our ice. Terminologies can be confusing, though, and claims could be made without substantial basis.
Q: Does some ice look purified because it’s clear even if purified water was not used?
A: Yes, some ice products use freezing equipment that can produce a clear ice tube, even though the water used to make the ice is not purified. Visual clarity is good and may be an indication that the ice producer cared about the visual qualities of the end product and may also be an indication of some filtration. But looking clear is not the only true indication of the purity of the water. It is important for the consumer to look for the seal of quality in the packaging of the ice products they are buying.
Q: What are contaminants?
A: Contaminants are substances that make other substances impure. Contaminants linked with water quality are generally described as materials that are poisonous or polluting in nature. Drinking water, the water we use every day including well water and spring water, contains contaminants. Even water referred to as bottled water will have contaminants unless it is aptly labeled purified bottled water. In other words, if it is not purified water, it is reasonable to assume that the water has some level of contamination caused by undissolved and dissolved solids, virus and bacteria.

Q: How does Pure Ice packaging protect the product from contaminants?
A: Pure Ice is packed in special plastic bags with attached wire clips that ensure sealing is complete and no outside contaminants can permeate the packaged product. The wire clip also ensures that the plastic cannot be reused. Pure Ice products are also contained in exclusively provided freezers in grocery stores, convenience stores and food establishments to further ensure contaminant-free storage.
Q: Why will buying Pure Ice be considered a smart choice?
A: Aside from the safety and purity assurance that you get when buying Pure Ice, one kilo of Pure Ice costs only half of the price you pay for one liter of purified bottled water, which is equivalent to one kilo of ice.
Q: What certifications has Pure Ice undergone to guarantee food safety and traceability?
A: The Pure Ice production process is GHP (Good Hygiene Practice) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points) compliant. It is the only ice product certified by the DOH Food and Drug Administration and Polytrade Sales & Services, Inc., the producer of Pure Ice, is ISO certified, GHP and HACCP.
Q: Where is Pure Ice available?
A: Pure Ice is available in groceries, convenience stores, hotels, restaurants and other food establishments in key areas all over Metro Manila and its surrounding provinces.